As the “embassy” of the city of Montpellier, the Montpellier House has the mission of exporting the culture from Montpellier and Occitania in its many forms to Heidelberg. With artists and cooperations, events are offered in Heidelberg and the surrounding area in a wide variety of fields:
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Since 1986, the Mediterranean Film Days have been organized in mid-January (and more recently at the end of July) in cooperation with Medienforum e.V.
Dance companies from Montpellier have been invited to the dance biennale a few times

On July 14th, the traditional bal populaire for the French National Day takes place in the courtyard of the house
In summer, a street artist from Montpellier will be invited to the Metropolink Festival
On the last Saturday in September, a stall with wine and delicacies from Montpellier – and often a fun fanfare from the south – is offered as part of the Heidelberger Herbst
In mid-October, the Montpellier House participates in the French Week with several events …
…and often invites a jazz group to the Enjoy Jazz Festival
Recently, several winemakers from the Montpellier metropolitan region present their products at a wine fair in the fall

… and in addition to the annually recurring events, there are also conferences, chanson and fairy tale evenings, wine tastings with winemakers from the Montpellier metropolitan region, readings

We also offer regular events, such as:
- a French conversation group every two weeks on Wednesday evenings
- a German-French Stammtisch for young people and students in the Montpellier House every two weeks on Thursday evenings
- a Srammtisch in French in a restaurant every second Tuesday of the month
- and a French children’s afternoon once a month on Wednesdays
Due to its cultural activities, the Montpellier House is a member of the DFA Kultur (French-German Cultural Committee), which publishes a brochure on the German-French cultural program in Heidelberg three times a year. You can receive the program brochure free of charge either directly at the Montpellier House or, on request, by mail or e-mail. In addition, the Montpellier House is also happy to help with twinning projects and the organization of a trip or exchange for groups from Montpellier and Heidelberg.