Guilhem Zumbaum-Tomasi Résistance allemande and the liberation of Nîmes in 1944

Lecture (German)

Montpellier House, Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg, free admission

At the liberation of Nîmes on September 4, 1944, German maquisards who had fled into exile in France to escape National Socialism marched in front. This hitherto little-known aspect, namely foreign involvement in the French resistance, was only brought more into the public eye with the burial of Missak Manouchian and his wife in the Panthéon in Paris at the end of February 2024. The foreigners in the Résistance also included 5,000 Germans who resisted the occupying army in France with weapons between 1940 and 1945. What was their motivation? Why do they play such a minor role in current memory? The lecture commemorates those who actively participated in the liberation of France from the National Socialist yoke in the French Cévennes.

The historian Guilhem Zumbaum-Tomasi has been working on the historiography of the Resistance in Germany and France since completing his studies in Montpellier


17 Sep 2024


19:30 Uhr - 19:30 Uhr
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