Comic Schreibatelier mit dem Autor Manu Causse

Workshop für teenager in französischer Sprache

Montpellier-Haus, Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg
Eintritt frei, wegen begrenzten Plätzen Reservierung notwendig
bis 12. Oktober unter
und 06221/16 29 69

France is one of the world’s great comic book countries. With French author Manu Causse from Toulouse, we’re going to learn how to transpose a text into a comic strip.
of a “classic” comic book to write the scenario, then from the beginning of his novel Nos coeurs tordus we will establish a comic book scenario – and incidentally it will be an opportunity
a fun way to practice your French!

Manu Causse has always dreamed of becoming a writer.
– or rock star. He first became a French teacher. Visit
2005 he realized his first dream and wrote novels for
some of which have been translated into English.
(Meine Liebe – My Vampire, Romeo@Juliette). He
has four children, all in their teens, so she knows a thing or two about
teenagers want.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Region Occitanie,
von Occitanie, Livre et Lecture und DFJW


15 Oct 2023


17:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr


Montpellier House
Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg


Montpellier House
+ 49 (0) 6221 16 29 69
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