Lecture (French), moderated by Dr. Sarah Burnautzki
Montpellier-Haus, Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg. Admission free
Depuis les années 80, une nouvelle littérature d’expression française a émergé dans la zone Pacifi que. It distinguishes itself and distances itself from the exotic literature produced up to now through three distinct aspects: the awareness of the value of the ancestral cultural heritage in polyethnic societies, the development of post-colonial issues and the implementation of strategies for the potentialization of the language through vernacular languages. It is on the basis of these three major dynamics that Lambert Barthélémy will hold his conference, focusing on the works largely produced by women in New Caledonia and Polynesia, such as Chantal Spitz, Rai Chase, Dewe Gorode and Paul Tavo.
Lambert Barthélémy teaches General and Comparative Literature at the University of Montpellier 3, where he also directs the Master of Cultural Studies. He has published Métamorphose du commun (Fissile, 2008) and Fictions de l’errance (Garnier, 2012), as well as numerous articles on modern and contemporary art and literature.
Il est en outre traducteur de l’allemand et dirige les Éditions Grèges (www.editionsgreges.fr).