Manu Causse – The Green Duck
Reading and conversation with the author German/French, moderation and translation of the conversation: Karla Jauregui Montpellier-Haus, Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg Admission 10 Euro, reduced 6 Euro
A poetically told and humorous novel about breaking out of the everyday and the art of putting a new spin on life.
Eric has long since forgotten what really counts in life. Every Wednesday, he visits his autistic son Isaac at the children’s hospital until he is banned from visiting. As luck would have it, Eric inherited a green 2CV – a green duck – from his uncle at just this time. In the back seat of the duck named Titine, besides the ghost of the dead uncle, sits his cat, and both do not hold back with comments. Soon there is a lot to comment on, because Eric sets off on a journey with autistic Isaac, whom he kidnaps from the hospital without further ado, and 2 CV Titine: across France, with great encounters, into the past and back to life.
Manu Causse, born in 1972, grew up in Aveyron. For 15 years he worked as a teacher. In 2005, he decided to become a writer. Since then, he has lived and worked in Toulouse as an author, translator and animator for his four children.
With the kind support of the Occitanie Region and Occitanie, Livre et Lecture.