Painting workshop and reading: LE COQ DE NOTRE-DAME with Rémi Saillard and Géraldine Elschner
Painting workshop and reading with Rémi Saillard and Géraldine Elschner Montpellier-Haus, Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg, admission €5, suitable for children aged 6 and over, registration required 06221/16 29 69 or by email to anmeldung@montpellier-haus.de Notre-Dame Cathedral in flames – images you won’t forget.
When the spire collapses on April 15, 2019, everything seems lost – even the weathercock, who enjoys the most beautiful view over Paris from up there.
In Géraldine Elschner’s picture book, he takes the floor and narrates the drama himself – his despair, his fear and his hope of seeing Esmeralda again.
“Mon coq est mort” should not become his song!
Instead, we will breathe new life into it with drawings.