PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION IN FRANCE Live broadcast of the results – 1st round

Following the results of the European elections, Emmanuel Macron has decided to dissolve the Assemblée Nationale (parliament), leading to early parliamentary elections.


The far-right party Rassemblement National has never been so close to taking power and forming a government if it achieves an absolute majority. To stop them, the main left-wing parties have founded a “Nouveau Front Populaire” (alliance). In between is Emmanuel Macron’s party and its allies, who are trying as best they can to defend their current mandates. The tension is high ahead of a historic moment in French politics.


Montpellier House will broadcast the results of the two rounds of voting on June 30 and July 7 from 7 p.m. in French. Drinks are offered.

Come along and discuss the turbulent situation over a glass of wine or other non-alcoholic drink.

We are expecting you in large numbers


30 Jun 2024


19:00 Uhr - 21:30 Uhr


Montpellier House
Kettengasse 19, 69117 Heidelberg


Montpellier House
+ 49 (0) 6221 16 29 69
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