Reading: LES OLYMPES with Jo Witek
Reading of the young adult novel (from 13 years) and discussion with the author (French).), moderation and translation of the conversation karla Jauregui Kurfürst-Friedrich-Gymnasium, Neckarstaden 2, Room 401, 69117 Heidelberg, free admission Pour cette année des jeux Olympiques en France, Les éditions Albin Michel sont parties à la recherche de biographie de sportives hors du commun, d’Olympes, et ont demandé à plusieurs écrivain(e)s d’en choisir une et de raconter son histoire.
Jo Witek has chosen for this collective work the American Gertrude Ederle of German origin, who in 1926 was the first woman to cross the Manche on foot.
The author presents the book and explains after reading the text why she chose this heroine.
Jo Witek, before becoming a writer, was a playwright, editor and comedienne.
Since 2009, she has published a quintet of books for young people: from novels noirs to novels féministes, she has created a literature that invites young people to question themselves.
For a few years now, she has been conducting interviews with adolescents in their bedrooms with a photographer: www.chambresadolescentes.fr – and animated on the evening of Tuesday, October 17.
un atelier d’écriture sur ce thème au Bunsengymnasium.
With the support of the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW/OFAJ), Occitanie and Occitanie Livre et Lecture.